Can you imagine going without food and water?  Do you know that the human body is composed of approximately 60% water, and the average human can only go about 3 days without drinking water?  Compare that to someone who has water but no food, and the survival rate goes up to 2-3 months.  Suffice it to say that water is essential for life.


The Role of Hydration in Wellness


Water is a workhouse inside our bodies, with responsibilities such as nutrient transport, cardiovascular volume, thermoregulation, and acting as a natural solvent for biochemical reactions (Liska et al., 2019).   In order to maintain homeostasis within the body, proper hydration is crucial.  But what happens if you don’t like to drink water?  What happens if you overexert yourself physically and you can’t keep up with your water loss?  Or if you happen to be in an environment where fluid is depleted through sweat?  Luckily, IV hydration therapy is readily available and very effective in reversing the damage and mitigating the risks of fluid deficit or dehydration.


Dehydration causes a litany of complaints, including fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness, heart palpitations, dry skin, confusion, and headache.


Why is IV hydration better than just drinking water?


IV hydration puts the fluid directly into the vascular system rather than waiting for absorption (from oral sources) therefore, the effects of fluid/vitamin therapy are instantaneous. There is no bloated feeling you may have experienced from chugging a bottle of water.  Nausea from drinking too fast is not a factor.  The fluid/electrolyte/nutrients go directly into the cells.


The cool thing about IV hydration is that it can be customized to each person’s individual needs, and the results can even be immediate. There is an IV cocktail that can help (almost) everyone!
Interested in trying an IV infusion for yourself? Contact us today!
Liska D, Mah E, Brisbois T, Barrios PL, Baker LB, Spriet LL. Narrative Review of Hydration and Selected Health Outcomes in the General Population. Nutrients. 2019 Jan 1;11(1):70. doi: 10.3390/nu11010070. PMID: 30609670; PMCID: PMC6356561.